Egg Industry Center

EIC-Funded Research Project Summary

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These projects have been funded and are currently in progress. When completed, projects read "available now."


Project Title Lead PI & Affiliation EIC Grant Cycle/Amount Estimated Results Availability
Causes of keel bone abnormalities in laying hens housed in enriched colony systems Dr. Maja Makagon - University of California - Davis (PI affiliated with Purdue University when funding was awarded) 2013 - $84,380 Available Now
The effects of egg yolk on piglet growth, health, and gut microbial populations Dr. Phillip Miller - University of Nebraska - Lincoln 2014 - $35,000 Available Now
Characterization of the predisposing factors and pathogenesis of FDN in egg layers Dr. Monique Franca - University of Georgia 2014 - $99,964 Coming Soon
The role of litter beetles, water, rodents and feed in the avian influenza virus transmission Dr. Giambrone - Auburn University 2015 - $38,000 Coming Soon
Identifying genetic basis for resistance to avian influenza in commercial egg layer chickens Dr. Jack Dekkers - Iowa State University 2015 - $50,000 Available Now
Understanding new Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza viruses affect in the U.S. poultry industry and their persistence Dr. Gallardo - University of California-Davis 2015 - $65,000 Coming Soon
Evaluation of alternative environmental sample matrices for AIV surveillance and stability in commercial poultry facilities Dr. Gauger - Iowa State University 2015 -  $43,168 Available Now
Evaluation of feedstuffs for the presence of avian influenza virus collected from feed mills and poultry farms and their role in spreading AIV Dr. Yuko Sato - Iowa State University 2015 - $45,297 Available Now
Role of terrestrial wild birds, rodents and insects in spreading avian influenza virus to commercial layer operations Dr. Kyoung-Jin Yoon - Iowa State University 2015 - $119,866 Available Now
Develop feasible methods to extract immune-enhancing yolk IgY and produce differentiated and functional yolk products Dr. Tong Wang - University of Tennessee (PI affiliated with Iowa State University when funding was awarded) 2016 - $62,601 Coming Soon
Analysis of sequence data of survivors and controls from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza outbreaks Dr. Anna Wolc - Iowa State University 2016 - $28,000 Coming Soon
Improving the transition between rear and lay environments to improve welfare and productivity of aviary-housed laying hens Dr. Janice Siegford - Michigan State University 2016 - $90,780 Coming Soon
Cage-Free housing ventilation options to reduce disease spread, improve air quality, and enhance bird welfare Dr. Eileen Fabian - Pennsylvania State University 2016 - $44,166 Coming Soon
Comparison of gut and lung microbiomes of hens raised in conventional and cage-free houses to determine disease susceptibility Dr. Melha Mellata - Iowa State University 2016 - $59,010 Coming Soon
Robotic systems for reducing and collecting floor eggs in cage-free hen housing systems Dr. Yang Zhao - University of Tennessee (PI affiliated with Mississippi State University when funding was awarded) 2017 -  $85,605 Coming Soon
Characterizing intestinal health, bacterial communities and their interaction between caged and cage-free housing in commercial layers Dr. Dawn Koltes - Iowa State University 2017 -  $37,369 Coming Soon
Studies on infection parameters of the newly emerging avian reovirus variants on egg-laying hens and efficacy of non-metallic disinfectants on reovirus Dr. Huaguang Lu - Pennsylvania State University  2017 -  $89,917 Coming Soon
Identification of Focal Duodenal Necrosis associated gram-negative filamentous bacterial by laser capture microdissection, sequencing of the 165 rRNA gene and fluorescence in-situ hybridization Dr. Monique Franca - University of Georgia 2018 -  $75,000 Coming Soon
Data-driven development of task-specific educational modules for training layer employees on animal husbandry to elevate management standards Dr. Yuko Sato - Iowa State University 2018 -   $61,211 December 2024 (Impacted by COVID)
Joint data envelopment analysis and integration of animal welfare indicators for identification of life cycle sustainability best management practices and technologies for the egg industry Dr. Nathan Pelletier - University of British Columbia, Canada 2018 -  $50,000 Coming Soon
False Layer Syndrome in hens, prevention strategies and their long-term effects Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo - University of California - Davis 2019 - $120,000 Coming Soon
Indoor environment improvements via new ventilation systems for Cage-Free hen housing Dr. Eileen Fabian - Pennsylvania State University 2019 -  $98,316 Dec  2025 (Impacted by COVID)
Precision litter conditioning: improving air quality at the source Dr. Brett Ramirez - Iowa State University 2019 -  $36,993 March  2025 (Impacted by COVID)
An integrated method of enhancing air quality in Cage-Free hen houses Dr. Lilong Chai - University of Georgia 2019 -  $95,000 Coming Soon


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