Egg Industry Center


Yuko Sato
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
Mobile Phone: 706-346-0487
Expertise: Veterinarian

Dr. Yuko Sato is an Extension Poultry Veterinarian and Assistant Professor at Iowa State University. Sato holds a DVM and Master's degree from Purdue University, where her emphasis was food animals and poultry diagnostic medicine. Her research includes work on infectious diseases of Poultry, including avian influenza. In addition to serving as a poultry pathologist at the ISU Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Sato also teaches courses on poultry disease and poultry medicine at the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine. Sato serves on the membership, education, history, and ACPV examination committee within the American Association of Avian Pathologists. She is a Diplomate of the American College of Poultry Veterinarians and also holds memberships in the Association of Veterinarians in Egg Production, the American Veterinary Medical Association, and the United States American Health Association. Growing up in Osaka, Japan, Sato attended Berry College in Rome, Georgia after visiting the campus with her father on a business trip. While her love of animals started with horses, and a job at the college dairy farm, she is delighted that her professional career has directed her to serving the poultry industry. Besides being a veterinarian resource for Iowa's poultry industry, Sato serves on the Iowa Emergency Disease Response Committee and in an ex-officio capacity as a member of the Iowa Turkey Federation and the Iowa Egg Council Boards. Iowa State highlighted Dr. Sato as a change agent in 2016. Her professional website is

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