The Egg Industry Issues Forum was held on April 19-20, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio. Hosted each year by the Egg Industry Center, the purpose of Forum is to update or increase producer and allied-industry awareness on the latest developments and priority issues concerning the U.S. egg industry. Gathering nearly 200 industry partners together, the group learned about the challenges and opportunities of colony and aviary and outdoor housing systems, flock management and pullet rearing differences for cage-free, and research surrounding air quality and emissions in cage-free as well as the roles of wild birds, rodents and insects in the spread of HPAI. WATTAg reporters were on-site and have published several articles on Forum presentations including:
Research on Keel Bone Damage Risk Factors
Mitigating Dust and Ammonia Emissions
The Egg Industry Center is moving the Egg Industry Issues Forum to Phoenix, Arizona to celebrate its 10-year anniversary of brining research to the US egg industry. Dates are being finalized but mark your calendars now for the week of April 16-20, 2018. For participation or sponsorship questions, please contact Lesa Vold.
EIC was proud to partner with the Iowa Poultry Association to make this information available in their recent member newsletter. EIC encourages your dissemination of the information we post. If you have questions regarding re-use of this information, please contact us.