Egg Industry Center

EIC Recognizes President Wintersteen

March 8, 2019

Left to Right, Dr. Hongwei Xin, President Dean Wintersteen and EIC Board Vice Chair Mr. Blair Van ZettenIn a private ceremony on March 5, 2019, the Egg Industry Center Advisory Board gave special recognition to one of its founding board members, ISU President Wendy Wintersteen.

As Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at Iowa State University, Wintersteen was key to the development of the Egg Industry Center (EIC), launched in 2008, and its continued growth over the past ten years. "She has been very instrumental to developing the center to where it is today," Center Director, Dr. Hongwei Xin said. "The president has really played a key role working with our stakeholders, supporting us financially, and providing her commitment and dedication to developing this magnificent center."

Vice Chairman of the EIC Advisory Board, Blair Van Zetten, President of Oskaloosa Food Products Corporation located in Oskaloosa, Iowa, recognized Winterseen's tenacity when it came to starting the center. "I know at the beginning [creating the center] was not an easy go – it was a great idea, and it took fortitude and intensity to get it done," Van Zetten said. "The drive and passion you had I am absolutely appreciative of, and I think everybody in the industry is as well. Thank you on behalf of everyone."

President Wintersteen passed her seat on the EIC board to Daniel J. Robison, the new Endowed Dean's Chair of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University.

Photo Caption: Xin and Van Zetten present Winterseen a token of appreciation for her time serving on the Egg Industry Center Advisory Board.

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