Various methods to reduce aerobic bacteria were tested in a commercial caged layer complex. A compressed air foam system (CAFS) compared disinfectants with a high pressure-water rinse (HPWR) sprayer system. Six trials were conducted treating half the barn with either chlorinated alkaline foaming cleaner (CHL/ALK), peroxyacetic acid (PAA) or glutaraldehyde (HI GLUT) blended with quaternary ammonia (QAC) while the other half of the barn utilized the HPWR. Swabs of drinker cups and cage floors were taken before and after disinfecting. The 3% PAA and HI GLUT/QAC treatments applied via CAFS were found to consistently and significantly reduce aerobic bacteria in caged layer complexes. Cleaner alone was not found to be sufficient, but should be used as a precautionary step to disinfection.